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Q: What are the dashed lines across the piece of paper called?
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what- a child folds a rectangular strip of paper repeatedly along the dashed lines, as shown. The first triangle is labeled?

FHG is isosceles but not necessarily equilateral

How do you draw a toaster?

You can try using a grid, take a picture of the toaster, Draw lines across the paper perfectly, put those lines on a bigger piece of paper(enlarging the lines) and draw square by square.

What is the definition for lines in music?

manuscript paper is the paper with the lines where you write sheet music

How does lined paper look like?

Lined paper typically has evenly spaced horizontal ruling lines across the page to guide handwriting and keep it neat and organized. The ruling lines can vary in width and color, but they are generally light and unobtrusive to allow writing to stand out clearly.

How many lines are on a piece of paper?

Well, it depends on what paper you are using. Wide Ruled-27 lines College Ruled-34 lines

What is the deference between lined and spiral notebook paper?

The lined paper is smaller lines and the spiral is bigger lines

How many lines does college ruled paper have?

College ruled paper has lines that are spaced at 9/32" (7.1mm) between horizontal lines, and typically has 33 lines per page.

What is plain paper?

White paper with no ruled lines or markings.

How did francis Scott key write the star spangled banner?

He took this device called a "pen" and moved it back and forth across this material called "paper".

How many lines does a piece of paper have?

Sometimes it has lines, sometimes it is blank. If it has lines, an average of 33/35 lines.

When composing a paper you should have no more then percent of directly quoted material?

10% of a paper can be direct quotations, more than 4 lines together is called block quotation

What is a blue print?

An architect's plan for a building is often called a blueprint, and they actually were, at one point, produced with white lines on blue paper.