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Protein is needed in the body daily to replace sources that have been broken down naturally. If too little is consumed, growth can be compromised. If too much is consumed, then it may have negative effects on cardiac health and can increase chances for certain types of cancer.

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14y ago

Protein is used primarily for growth and healing, so people who suffer from a deficiency of protein will not be able to grow or heal as easily, possibly not at all, depending upon the degree of deficiency. In extreme cases, protein deficiency causes a condition called kwashiorkor (an African word) in which the internal organs migrate to the center of the abdomen, creating a bulging, round stomach, while the rest of the body becomes very thin (muscles get cannibalized for their protein content) giving a very odd appearance. The next step is death by starvation.

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13y ago

The deficiency disease for protein is called kwashiorkorand is most common in the developing world, where people are often malnourished. The disease basically leaves you feeling weak and you cannot grow properly.

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13y ago

the deficiencies of protein include tasting good, making you strong, and being boss

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I dont know if this is your question but protein occurs in the stomach and breaks down protein into amino acids Hope this was the answer to your question :)

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