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While Scientology shares much in common with other religions as regards basic religious concepts and a mandate to improve society, the most valuable asset Scientology offers is an actual technology for achieving greater spiritual awareness.

Moreover, while many religions promise salvation in the hereafter, Scientology offers certainty of eternal salvation now.

Then, too, Scientology makes it possible for any religion to attain its goals and is therefore a religion of religions.

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Islam and Mormonism are two very different religions. They both believe in the major prophets (such as Moses, Abraham, and Noah), and there are a few cultural similarities (modest dressing, no alcohol, fasting), but other than that, they are completely different.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of mankind. They are Christians and strive to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Muslims believe that Jesus was a good man or a prophet, but not a savior or deity of any kind. They are not Christian, but acknowledge that Jesus existed and was a good man.
  • Mormons use the Holy Bible (King James Version), the Book of Mormon, and the teachings of modern prophets as scripture, Muslims use the Qur'an as scripture.
  • Mormons hold their worship services on Sunday and are encouraged to pray and study scripture at home. Muslims hold their worship services on Friday and believe that prayer should occur five times a day at specific times.
  • Mormons believe that God continues to have prophets to lead His people to the present day. Muslims believe that the line of prophets ended around 500 a.d. with the Prophet Mohammad.
  • The center of Mormonism is Salt Lake City, Utah. The center of Islam is Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

As you can see, while Mormons and Muslims are both religions, they have very few similarities in doctrine or practice. They are about as similar as bananas and watermelons - they are both fruits, but they taste different, look different, grow different, etc.

Muslims and Mormons are almost completely different!

The major difference is that Muslims believe that Jesus Christ is a prophet, while "Mormons" (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of Mankind.

Islam uses the Qur'an as it's holy text, while Mormons use the King James Bible and the Book of Mormon. Both believe in the major prophets of Adam, Moses, Abraham, Noah, etc.

Muslims believe that the prophets ended with Mohammad, while Mormons believe that there are modern prophets today in addition to the ancient prophets.

Muslims do not practice baptism, while Mormons, as a Christian denomination, do.

The holy day in Islam is Friday, when they go to mosque to pray and hear sermons. Mormons go to church on Sunday, where services are similar to most other Christian churches.

Similarities between the two religions include high standards of morality and modesty and a tradition of fasting. (Muslims fast every day for one month, while Mormons fast one day every month)

You can check out the "Related Links" below for more information on both Islam and Mormonism.

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