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Answer 1

There are three common main cloud types that form in the different layers of the atmosphere. There is also a fourth common cloud type that forms vertically.

High Layered Clouds that form above 17,000 feet are:

  • Cirrus: Delicate white strands of ice crystals that often form, what is referred to as mares tails.
  • Cirrostratus: A veil of white cloudiness often covering the entire sky, causing halos around the Sun and the moon. This can be an indicator of an approaching storm.
  • Cirrocumulus: Small white patchy patterns like fish scales and referred to as Mackerel skies.

Mid-layered clouds that form between 6,000 to 17,000 feet are:

  • Altostratus: Drab gray clouds of water droplets that obscure the view of the Sun and moon. They have the potential to produce rain and snow.
  • Altocumulus: A darker, larger pattern of patchiness that may produce a shower.

Lower layered clouds that form below 6,000 feet are:

  • Stratus: A wispy cloud of fog that hangs a few hundred feet above the ground and often bring drizzle.
  • Stratocumulus: Dark gray clouds, often covering the entire sky, which do not bring rain. They form rounded wavelike bands that are broken by blue sky.
  • Nimbostratus: Low, dark, ragged rain clouds that often bring continuous rain, sleet, or snow.

The fourth common cloud types that form Vertically are:

  • Cumulus: Large, billowy cotton balls of clouds with dark bottoms and bright white tops that can reach 10,000 feet high. May produce brief showers.
  • Cumulonimbus: Towering thunderheads, dark on the bottom and white anvil-shaped tops that can extend to 50,000 feet. Often produces lightning and heavy precipitation, including hail. Occasionally produces tornadoes.

There are 27 types of clouds in all. There are four main types in all - cumulus, stratus, nimbus, and cirrus.


Answer 2

The etages (levels) for cloud vary from place to place, and between tropical, subtropical, temperate and polar air masses.

In Australia, the etages are 0-8500ft for low, 8500-18500ft for middle and 18500ft+ for high level cloud. Note that nimbostratus, while classed as a middle-level cloud, can occur down to 2000-5000ft, cirrus can occur down to 10,000ft in polar air, and convective cloud can have a base at 8-10,000ft under certain conditions (especially in dry desert areas).

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13y ago

There are different names of clouds such as Stratus, Cirrus, Nimbus, and Cumulus. In meteorological terms, these "names" are called the Genus of a cloud. Usually along side of the genus of a cloud, comes the species.

So in this type of cloud; Cumulonimbus Capillatus , Cumulonimbus would be the genus, and Capillatus would be the species.

Cumulonimbus Capillatus is a Cumulonimbus cloud that has reached tropopause, obtained stratospheric stability and has wispy edges along the anvil of the top part of the cloud.

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13y ago

the 3 types of clouds are the following: Cumulus Clouds,Cirrus Clouds, and Stratus Clouds

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12y ago

kush clouds regs clouds & crack clouds

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Do clouds have names?

Different types like Cumulus for example based on their properties.

How many types of clouds are there?

there are at least 3 different types high layered, mid layered and low layered not soo sure on names all i no is cirricus hope this helps :D There are four types of clouds. The types of clouds can be categorized by their altitude or by how they have formed. Different categories include low level, mid level, and high level. There is also a category for those that have developed vertically.

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Yes, different types of clouds do sometimes bring different types of weather. For example: Clouds with nimbus/nimbo words in their name usually bring rain or snow.

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Clouds come in different types etc. Different types of clouds appear at different times and affect the amount of sun light that reaches the Earth, the amount of rain etc.

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What are the names of the clouds types?

Cumulus, Cirrus Convective, Cirri Cumulus!

What are the names of the clouds?

The different names for clouds are cirrus, stratus, cumulus, and altostratus. While stratus clouds are at an altitude that is below 6000 feet, cirrus clouds are high clouds that form above 20,000 feet.

What are three kinds of clouds?

The five different types of clouds are called Cumulonimbus, Cirrus, Stratus, Cumulus, and Altostratus. These different types of clouds are distinguished by their shapes and positions in the sky.

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How does observing clouds help us predict the weather?

There are many types of clouds that indicate different weather

Do clouds have specific names?

There are two main types: stratus (flat layer) clouds and cumulus (tall bubbly) clouds. As well as the two main types, high clouds are called Cirrus. Middle-level clouds are Alto. Rain clouds have Nimbus attached to them. So: Low-level clouds are Stratus, Cumulus, Cumulonimbus and Stratocumulus. Middle-level clouds are Altostratus and Altocumulus High-level clouds are: Cirrus, Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus. A cloud that grows from low-level, through middle-level up to high-level, is called Nimbostratus and this deep cloud can bring heavy rain or snow that can last for several hours.