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Hybrid cars, though useful, have some disadvantages. The point to be noted here is that the advantages far exceed the disadvantages.

  • High cost: hybrids cost anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 more their non-Hybrid versions.
  • More weight due to battery packs.
  • Some states charge additional fees for registration.
  • In the event of an unfortunate accident, there is a risk of exposure to high voltage wires.
  • They have a complicated system which needs to be taken care of by experienced mechanics only.
  • Spare parts maybe hard to find and may be costly.
  • Usually, hybrids have a lower acceleration than that their normal counterparts.


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Many people drive hybrid cars, but they do have some disadvantages. The high price is one of the biggest hybrid car problems. In addition, the complicated system has to be repaired by experienced mechanics, which can be very costly. Generally, hybrids are smaller than most cars and made with lightweight materials. The lighter weight helps increase speed, but it can make hybrid cars more susceptible to being damaged in an accident.

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Many web sites offer top ten lists and reviews on hybrid cars. Lists and reviews from reputable sites can be found at, and

Could you inform me about 2012 hybrid cars?

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