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you have to use whats called a condom for safe sex the disadvantages are that it could lead to a misscariage

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Q: What are the disadvantages of sexual reproduction in the protists?
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Do protists reproduce by asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction or both?


What has both sexual and asexual reproduction?

Some protists.

What are disadvantages of sexual reproduction?

locating a partner

True or false sexual reproduction in protists requires only one organism?

yes it does

Disadvantages of sexual reproduction in plants?

They do not produce a high number of plants

How protista reproduce?

Protists are mostly unicellular eukaryotic cells. The most common type of reproduction in protists is asexual binary fission. Some protists, though, are known to reproduce using sexual means.

What is the contrast of fragmentation and conjugation?

Fragmentation=of colonies is a form of asexual reproductionConjugation=is a type of sexual reproduction carried on by many protists

What are the advantages and disadvantages of both asexual and sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction does not lead to genetic variations while sexual reproduction leads to genetic variations. In asexual reproduction there is no limitation/restrictions for gametes to be fertilized.In sexual reproduction if either of the gametes do not function/not present then the possibility of reproduction becomes nil.Asexual reproduction gives rise to multiple daughter cells from mother cells while sexual reproduction normally gives rise to only two daughter cells.

Asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction differ in all but what ways?

Asexual reproduction is the process in which a single cell or set of cells produces offspring that inherit all their genetic material from one parent and sexual reproduction needs two parents to produce offspring, the offspring inherits genetic material from both parents.

Do protists hsve an asexual reproduction?

no they do not "hsve" asexual reproduction they "have" asexual reproduction...

Which one involves gametes sexual reproduction or a sexual reproduction?

Sexual Reproduction.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of propagating plants using sexual reproduction?

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