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Cheetahs are the smallest of the large predators on the African savanna. They can be overpowered, injured, or killed by lions, leopards, hyenas, African wild dogs, and even baboons. Cheetah cubs are especially vulnerable, and will be killed and even eaten by any of the above animals. The cheetah's mortality is very high during the early weeks of its life; up to 90% of cheetah cubs are killed during this time by lions, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs, or even by eagles. Cheetah cubs often hide in thick brush for safety. Mother cheetahs will defend their young and are at times successful in driving predators away from their cubs. Coalitions of male cheetahs can also chase away other predators, depending on the coalition size and the size and number of the predator. Because of its speed, a healthy adult cheetah has few predators.

Despite their speed and hunting prowess, cheetahs are largely outranked by other large predators in most of their range. Because they have evolved for short bursts of extreme speed at the expense of their power, they cannot defend themselves against most of Africa's other predator species. They usually avoid fighting and will surrender a kill immediately to even a single hyena, rather than risk injury. Because cheetahs rely on their speed to obtain their meals, any injury that slows them down could essentially be life threatening.
Mainly lions, but also hyenas and leopards. Also man.

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Q: What are the enemies of a cheetah?
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Are leopards and hyenas enemies?

Yes. They live in the same area and hunt the same prey. So, they are natural enemies. Hyenas will easily kill cheetah cubs if they find. They also gang up on cheetah's and scare them away from their kills. So, they are perpetual enemies.

What are some of a cheetah's enemies?

Hyenas and lions will attack and try to kill cheetahs.

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Hyenas and Lions often chase the Cheetah away from its food.

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Is a cheetah somethings prey?

The cheetah is the fastest animal on earth, so there are no other predators that could catch it. The only thing it can't outrun is a bullet, so other than man, the cheetah probably has no natural enemies.

What enemies does a cheetah have?

Adult Cheetah's have no natural enemies or predators. They are too fast to be caught by any other animal. However, the youngsters are vulnerable to animals like lions and hyenas. Apart from this, humans are the biggest threat to cheetahs. Humans have hunted them for centuries almost wiping them out in Asia and driving them to low numbers in Africa.

Does the cheetah have enemies?

I think the enemies of cheetahs are a lion and a do they protect them selvesThe enemy or enemies of the cheetahs is who ever comes within there boundaries and or steals food and causes a threat to them or there youngPoachers... :(