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Q: What are the environmental factors that contributed to the evolution of whales?
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What are 10 biotic factors of an ocean ecosystem?

seaweed fish whales sharks crabs lobster coral

How can natural selection lead to regression?

In the genetic sense, it can't. Evolution really has one direction, and one direction only: forward. However, evolution may cause organisms to evolve traits that resemble traits of some of their precursors. For instance, whales are sea-mammals that descended from land-mammals, which in turn evolved from earlier aquatic organisms like fish. But due to the demands of their environment, whales evolved an overall morphology that resembles those of these earlier fish.

Why are vestigal structures considered critical evidence of evolution?

Many species have vestigial structures, especially in the animal kingdom. Two good examples are the vestigial legs in whales and some snakes. This is clear evidence that whales and snakes are descended from creatures that had functional legs. This is strong evidence of evolution, since there is no other plausible explanation, religious or scientific, for vestigial structures.

How do the fossils of whales provide evidence that whales have evolved over millions of years?

i guess they show tht whales were here millions of years ago and they show how they changed over time, when the whales changed or evovled, the fossils changed they show that whales' ancestors were four legged mammals. modern whales inherited hip bones from their four legged ancestors.

Are whales omnivore?

most whales are carnivores. they eat shrimp, crill and other srustaceans. but there are some whales that eat some plants.

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What is the evolution of whales?


What are the environmental Issues of Killer whales?

Killer whales are killed from oil leaks in the ocean

Are there any threats to the blue whales environment?

The environmental threat towards blue whales is mainly polution.

Why has evolution made whales look similar to fish?

It is called convergent evolution. When two different animals have to adapt to the same environment (both whales and fish have to adapt to marine environments) evolution will make them start to look similar, even though they will still retain fundamental differences. For example, whales are mammals, and fish are... fish

How does fossil evidence from the ancestors of whales support evolution?

hard core

What could explain the external form of whales and fish being similar but the whales skeleton being similar to that of a mammal?

convergent evolution

What are some environmental initiatives?

Some environmental initiatives include saving the whales and saving polar bears. Many environmental issues attempt to preserve wildlife for future generations.

What evidence supports the hypothesis that whales evolved from land-dwlling mammals?

Theory of evolution

Factors that affect the emperor penguin?

Killer whales

What are the factors that are affecting the population of the killer whales?


Is a whale a abiotic or biotic factor?

Whales are biotic factors.

What is the total weight of 1000 whales?

This depends on different factors. Factors such as age, gender and species of whale. If you got 1,000 blue whales then they can weigh around 120,000 tons. Whereas 1,000 dwarf sperm whales would weigh around 500,000 pounds