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Q: What are the flowers that grow in water?
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Can flowers grow with soda better than water?

Flowers will not grow with soda better than they will with water. The sugar and carbonation in soda can kill flowers.

How do cactus grow flowers?

If you want flowers to grow on your cactus you are supposed to water your cactus.

Do flowers grow better with sugar water?

yes they do because sugar is a food for plants because of that it helps flowers grow.

Do flowers grow faster with salt or not?

flowers do not grow faster with salt water because if it is to salty or u put to much in the plant it will die so i think it will grow faster in regular water.

Flowers that grow on water plants?

money plant

Will flowers grow with out sunlight and water?

no they need sunlight

Do plants grow better in soil or water alone?

Well veggies grow better in water. While flowers grow better in soil.

What are the flowers which grow on water?

Aquatic plants such as waterlilies or lotuses.

What happens to flowers when they drink colored water?

my dick starts to grow

What flowers grow in a pond?

Water Lilys are the only flower I know of.

Do flowers grow better in tap water or in bottled water?

because tap has more minerals

Does salt water have a high effect on flowers growth?

Yes, some flowers will not grow in salt water, but in depends on what kind of flower you're talking about.