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The Department of Health is the primary government agency charged to provide health services to all Filipinos. The agency is composed of 17 central offices, 16 Centers for Health Development, 70 hospitals and 4 attached agencies. The agencies attached to the Department of Health are: the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, the Dangerous Drugs Board, the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care and the Philippine National AIDS Council.

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Q: What are the government or official health agencies in the Philippines?
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the public health are organized by the department of health in the philippines. meaning to say that those barangays that have clinics is part of the public health under by the government and by the manage of DOH

Agency in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, there are several government agencies responsible for various sectors and aspects of governance. Some notable agencies include the Department of Education, which oversees the education system in the country, the Department of Health, which is responsible for public health services and policies, and the Department of Agriculture, which focuses on agricultural development and support for farmers. Additionally, agencies such as the Department of Labor and Employment and the Department of Trade and Industry play crucial roles in the country's labor and business sectors, respectively.

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Community based nursing would include agencies like home health care and hospice. Community health nursing would include agencies like the department of health and human services (DHHS)- local agencies in the community. Public health nursing would include agencies like the CDC and FDA- government agencies.

Agencies of government?

Most governments have an Executive agency, a Health agency, an Education agency, and a Military agency; various governments have many other agencies depending on the type of government.

Did US government helps Philippines in health medications?

most likely they help everyone

What was proposed with the Public Health Insurance Option?

The proposal with the Public Health Insurance options was that the US government would create a health insurance agency to compete with other health care agencies. The health care agency would be run by the government.

Why are doctors required to report some but not all illnesses to government agencies?

Certain illnesses are infectious and dangerous to the public, and health agencies need to prevent them from spreading.

What is the role of government agencies and NGO in solving the health problems and improving the health status of a given community?

They don't really worry about it too much.

What is a health agency and what does it do for me as a health consumer?

Health agencies are agencies that focus on the health of their consumers. For you, they will help with all aspects to make you the healthiest person you can be.

The federal bureaucracy is made up of?

Federal bureaucracies are comprised of national government offices, agencies and institutions from all three branches of the legislative, executive and judicial. These include congressional offices, Cabinet departments/Agencies (FBI, IRS, Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, etc.), and even the Courts are all part of this intricate federal bureaucracy.