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The south west of the planet is mainly ocean.

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Q: What are the landmarks in the southwest region?
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Some landmarks of us southwest region?

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What are some of the famous landmarks in the southwest region?

The Grand Canyon is a major tourist attraction in southwest United States. It is located in Arizona.

What are the southwest region's landmarks?

The Grand Canyon is a major tourist attraction in southwest United States. It is located in Arizona.

What are the landmarks of the southwest?

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What are the landmarks in the southwest?

The south west of the planet is mainly ocean.

What are the southwest's landmarks?

The Grand Canyon is a major tourist attraction in southwest United States. It is located in Arizona.

What region is the home to deserts and canyons?

The American Southwest or perhaps the Four Corners region.

What are the landmarks in the south region?


What are the landmarks of the mountains and basins region?

mountains and basins landmarks in Texas. Texas in laix0ig