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Q: What are the lipoproteins that carry absorbed lipids from the intestinal tract to the bloodstream called?
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Usually not. They are carried by lipoproteins called chylomicrons.

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Glycerol and Protein are broken down by enzymes to go past the wall of the small intestine and from there the glycerol becomes sugar and the protein becomes amino acids and then it's absorbed in our blood.

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Villi on the wall of the small intestine absorb nutrients into the bloodstream.

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Digestion is the breakdown of large food molecules into smaller molecules. The digested molecules are then absorbed into the bloodstream to be transported to the different parts of the body.

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Most of the fluid is absorbed back into the bloodstream through vessels lining branched projections from the arachnoid membrane called arachnoid villi, or granulations. These arachnoid granulations extend into the dura

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The liver is a vital organ for survival. The liver forms small complexes called lipoproteins. Lipoproteins derive from cholesterol in the liver.

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Where are food molecules absorbed into the bloodstream?

The food molecules are absorbed in the small intestine. Through these finger shaped things along the wall of the small intestine, called the villi.