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Q: What are the main ethical guidelines for conducting psychological research with both animal and human subjects?
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Related questions

What was the Belmont Report?

the first federal effort to develop ethical guidelines for the protection of human subjects in research

What is the purpose of the institutional review board-?

to review all research proposals and make certain that laws and ethical guidelines regarding research with human subjects were followed

Scientific method used to avoid psychological bias in medical research?

double blind method.Double-blind describes an especially stringent way of conducting an experiment, usually on human subjects, in an attempt to eliminate subjective bias on the part of both experimental subjects and the experimenters. In most cases, double-blind experiments are held to achieve a higher standard of scientific rigor.

What are the three ethical principles that are important in conducting research on human subjects and what are the considerations that muet be made to ensure protection of these subjects?

See The Belmont Report

What is the Hawthorne effect?

The Hawthorne effect is a phenomenon whereby research subjects alter their behavior when they learn they are being observed. This is a danger when conducting participation observation.

What are some considerations for a U.S. researcher conducting a study in a non-U.S. setting when obtaining informed consent from subjects?

In addition to the consent of the research subjects, are there other individuals or groups whose permission must be sought?

How do your reference the Belmont report in APA style?

To reference the Belmont Report in APA style, you would typically cite it as follows: National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. (1979). The Belmont Report: Ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human subjects of research. Remember to include the publication year in parentheses.

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What implications do research methodologies have for families who are the subjects of that research?

What do anne and peter study?

Anne and Peter are studying biochemistry. They are conducting research on how different organisms interact with their environments at a molecular level to understand better how life functions.

Who created a psychological experiment where he made his subjects think they were shocking other people?

Stanley Milgram.

Who should answer the questions that human subjects might have about the research they are participating in?

a scientists involved in the research.

What protections are provided to research subjects?

No protection is needed in research unless you are dealing with research in science or medical fields.