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== == • Biological Factors

• Cultural Factors

• Family Factors

• Social Factors

• Situational Factors

• It refers to physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition

and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are characteristics that are

considered to be inherent.

• It plays an important part in determining an individual's personality.

• Heredity approach argues that the ultimate explanation of an individual's personality

is the molecular structures of the genes, which are located in the chromosomes.

• Recent research studies shows that young children lend strong support to the power

of heredity and finding shows that some personality traits may be built into the same

genetic code that affects factors like height and hair color.

• Brain is the second biological approach to determine personality.

• It plays an important role in determining personality.

• Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB) and Split brain psychology results indicates

that a better understanding of human personality and behavior might come from a

closer study of the brain.

• The definite areas of the human brain are associated with pain and pleasure. Research

study shows that these things are true.

• It is third biological approach to determine personality.

• Physiologists and psychologists felt that biological functions like brainwave

patterns, gastric and hormonal secretions, and fluctuations in blood pressure and

skin temperature were beyond conscious control. Recent research shows that these

functions can be consciously controlled through biofeedback techniques.

• For this purpose, individual can learns the internal rhythms of a particular body

process through electronic signals that are feedback from equipment which is wired

to body.

• In this process, the person can learn to control the body process through questions.

• It is one of the interesting topics to do future research work in personality.

• It is third biological approach to determine personality.

• It is vital ingredient of the personality, it focus an individual person's external

appearance which also determined the personality.

• Physical features like tall or short, fat or skinny, black or white. These physical

features will be influenced the personal effect on others and also affect self concept

of individual.

• Recent research studies shows that definitely this features influence to individual

personality in an organization.

In totally, heredity would be fixed at birth and no amount of experience can be altering

them through creation of suitable environment. Apart from this, personality characteristics

are not completely dictated by heredity. There are other factors also influenced to determining


"Each culture expects, and trains, its members to behave in ways that are acceptable to the group. To a marked degree, the child's cultural group defines the range of experiences and situations he is likely to encounter and the values and personality characteristics that will reinforced and hence learned". -Paul H Mussen

• Cultural factors are also major factors which influence to determine individual


• It refers to traditional practice, customs, procedure, norms and rules and regulation

followed by the society.

• It significantly influence to individual behavior compare to biological factors.

• Cultural factors determine attitudes towards independence, aggression, competition,

cooperation, positive thinking, team spirit, and a host of the human being and

discharge his/her duties towards valuable responsibilities to society.

• Western culture influence to Indian society. It is best example of the cultural factors

also determine the personality.

• Family factors are also major factors which influence to determine individual


• Family consists of husband and wife and their children's.

• Family role is very important for nurturing and personality development of their


• Family will be guided, supervised, take care of all family members, cooperation,

52 Organizational Behavior

coordination and cooperation in work and also explained the role and responsibilities

towards the family, society and real life.

• Family either directly or indirectly influence to person for development of individual


• Social factors are also major factors which influence to determine individual


• It involves the reorganization of individual's in an organization or society.

• It refers to acquiring of wide range of personality by acquiring and absorbed by

themselves in the society or an organization.

• Socialization process is starting from home and extending to work environment in

an organization or society.

• It focuses on good relationships, cooperation, coordination and interaction among

the members in the society or an organization or a family.

In totally, environment factors consist of cultural factors, family factors, and social


• Situational factors also influence to determine of personality.

• Situational factors are very important to change the individual behavior in a

different circumstance at different situations, it also influence to personality of

individual person.

• In general term, personality is stable and consistent and it does change in different


The Interaction of Personality and Situational Factors are outlined:

• Strong situational pressures

• Personality may not predict behavior

• Example: enforcement of rules

• Weak Situational pressures

• Personality may predict behavior

• Example: Customer sales representative

• A strong situation can overwhelm the effects of individual personalities by providing

strong cues for appropriate behavior.

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There are many determinants of personality. These determinants are largely dependent on the environment that a child grows up in.

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