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Q: What do the bones in the human neck look like?
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Related questions

What is a human neck made of?

The human neck is made out of cells,blood,skin,bones,and your cell system

How many bones are in a giraffe's neck?

The giraffe's neck has seven bones in their neck, just like humans.12

Who has the most neck bones out of giraffe or a human?

Giraffes and humans both have seven neck bones.

How meany bones are in a giraffe's neck?

There is much controversy, but the giraffe's neck has the same number of bones as a human neck: seven.

Is having a long neck an adaptation?

No. A giraffe has 7 neak bones( like the human body )

Bones in a human head?

There are 22 bones in a human head

How many neckbones does a giraffe have?

As in human beings there are seven. A giraffe's are much larger

Does a human have the same amount of bones as a giraffe?

Both humans and giraffes have the same numbers of neck bones. Both animals have seven neck bones.Yes it has because when you look at your neck then look at a giraffes neck it doesn't look like it but if you get a x ray on your neck then a giraffe gets a x ray and count the giraffes x ray then count yours it has the same amount you wouldn't believe your eyes if you did

How many bones are in a giraffe27s neck?

7-same as a human.

What does giraffe bones look like without skin?

Giraffes bones are similer to a horses just their neck is longer, made of small bones connected by tendons. sort of like ur spine

What is the difference between giraffe bones and human bones?

Girraffe bones are obviously bigger and taller than ours, ecspecially the spine.

What animal has the same number of neck bones as a human being?

i dont the answer