

What are the oceans squids live in?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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Squids live all over the world, in oceans and in lakes.

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Q: What are the oceans squids live in?
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In which oceans do squids live?

All of them.

Where Does the squid live?

Squids live in all of the oceans of the world. Different types of squids live at different depths of whichever ocean they inhabit.

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Where do giant squids live in deep oceans trenches or mid ocean trenches?

Giant squid primarily live in deep ocean trenches.

What oceans do giant squids live in?

Giant squid are found any place in the World Ocean where the temperature and other conditions are favorable.

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Glass squids stay between the surface and midwater depths of open oceans.

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tropical and temrerate oceans worldwide

What kinds of stuff live in the oceans?

Fish, Squids, Sharks, sea anemone, plants and animals >>>>> P.S. I'm Guessing and don't copy my answer please.

Can Humans Pet the Gaint squids out in the deep Oceans?

not without getting eaten.

What do squids live in?

They live in water.

What do squids live?

They live in water.

Where do vampire squids live?

vampire squids live in the deep,deep sea at the middle of the sea.