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That is dependent of the evidence and whether he was denied access, as happens in 60% of the cases. It's a matter of preparation.

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Q: What are the odds a father can get custody of a child if he has not been in their life in the last two years but pays child support?
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Can a father get custody after 14 years just because I file for child support?

Filing for child support has no bearing on the issue of custody. Custody is decided on the basis of the welfare of the child. To get custody of a child, the father would have to demonstrate that he would do a better job as parent. I will add that even if you do need financial assistance, that does not in any way suggest that you are not a good mother. Those are separate issues.

Can a step father maintain custody of a child if the biological father emerges after two years?

only if mum has custody

Your child is 17 years old and you got custody of her 3 years ago and never received any child support Now the child wants to go back to them Will you have to pay child support?

If you're the father? Yes. File a retroactive order. see link

If my son's biological father has not seen him talked to him or paid child support in 9 years can I file abandonment get sole custody and have his father's name removed from the Birth Cert?

If no orders are established and you were not married to him, you already have sole custody.

Judge wouldn't fix incorrect child support ordered what next?

Wait two years and modify. An incorrect amount is interpretive, as sole custody father are still ordered to pay child support.

If you are 17 years old in Oklahoma do you have to pay child support?

If you are a parent of a child, then you would provide support for the child, even if you do not have custody.

In Colorado what are the laws for a mother who has not attempted to see her child in eight years and ordered to pay the father child support?

It is just like if the father did not see the child. He would have to pay child support. Visitation and custody are 2 separate things in the court system. Whether a parent sees a child or not, support is usually still issued. If the judge signed a support order and it is not payed, that parent can go to jail for unpayed child support.

If a 15-year-old moves to California to live with her mother after living with her 11-year-old brother and father for 4 years in Washington and her brother stays in WA how does child support work?

If your father was given total custody of you and your brother then he could go to court to get you back. However, (and you would have to ask your mother this) if your mother and father have joint custody (such as you or your brother seeing your mother on spring break or other holidays) then child support would continue as was instructed by the courts. If your father had total custody and your mother never saw you, then she could file for partial child support. I know it's confusing, but simply put, if your father doesn't pay your mother child support she should see at least Child Welfare regarding this matter and your father should be paying her some child support regarding you. Good luck hon Marcy

If you am not married to your child's father and the child spends almost all of his time with you does that mean you have sole physical custody?

If you were never married to the father of the child(Children) custody HAS NOT been established. You must go to court and have custody determined. My child lived with me for 5 Years. The father paid support to the state of Missouri Which I entern received, and he visited on occasion. One weekend he picked her up for a visit and disappeared. No one would help because custody was never established. He had just as much right as I.

Can the mother who has full custody of a child still receive child support from the father who has not seen the child in 3 years after the father s parental rights are revoked?

Yes, the revocation of parental rights does not exclude the parent from being financially responsible until the child or children reach the age of emancipation, or the age ordered in the child support petition.

Can a non custodial father with access who hasn't paid child support in 2 years have custody changed to shared?

Custody and child support are two separate issues. He can file for it, yes, but it's the judge that decides. It also depends on why he has not paid for 2 years and that is something they will ask for. If he has a job the court can issue an order so they take it directly out of his wages.

Your daughters father was paying child support for 8 years then in July he stopped paying and no one knows where he moved to not even child support what do you do?

what do I do if my child's father is no where to be found what do I do if my child's father is no where to be found