

What are the people like when the Eiffel tower was built?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are the people like when the Eiffel tower was built?
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What did the Eiffel tower look like before it was built?

nothing it wasn't built...

Is there any monumentin Paris like the Eiffel Tower?

Tokyo Tower. Communication tower built in the '60s of similar look to the Eiffel Tower.

How was the structure built of the Eiffel tower?

The Eiffel Tower arrived on site in kit form like an erector/meccano set. It just had to be assembled and rivetted together on site.

Did Eiffel build a tower in Prague?

No, The Petřín Lookout Tower in Prague looks like and was built to be a copy of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. In 1889 its construction was planned and financed by members of The Club of Czech Tourists who had visited the world exposition in Paris and were inspired by the Eiffel Tower.

Do all french people like the Eiffel tower?

When it was being built there was an outrage from some French artists and writers, who asked for the tower to be destroyed. Nowadays it is part of the French identity and people are used to see it. Nobody is forced to like the Eiffel tower, but most French do.

Is there another tower like the Eiffel Tower?

Yes There Is, The Blackpool Tower Designed By The Same Architect as the Eiffel Tower, Gustave Eiffel

Is Blackpool Tower like the Eiffel Tower?

Yes it is similar to the Eiffel Tower in Paris but on a smaller scale.

What do people like to visit in Paris?

People visit to Paris because in Paris the world's largest tower Eiffel tower is situated.

What is Gustave Eiffel Famous for like what did he be famous for?

Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel Tower for a French fair in 1889, along with the Statue of Liberty which he later then gave to America, which can be found today in New York.

Is the Eiffel Tower taller than the Pyramids of Egypt?

Hello NO the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower Of Pisa are very different. While the Eiffel Tower is much bigger and the Tower Of Pisa is over 1,000 feet smaller than it. They are made out differently Eiffel Tower made out of metal on hard grounds, the Leaning Tower Of Pisa is made of white marble and stone built on soft grounds which cases it to lean.

What is the Effie tower made of?

The Eiffel tower is mostly made of plate iron pieces. Not steel like most people think.

What did the Eiffel tower look like when it was finished?

The Eiffel tower is a goldish brown tower made of steel and wrought iron.