

What are the producers that live in a rain forest?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are the producers that live in a rain forest?
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What are some producers in the rain forest?

some producers in the rain forest are bromeliads guarana' and strangler figs.

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no, plants are producers and the sun

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leopards live in the rain forest

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Toucans live in tropical or montane rain forest.

What are the producers in the tropical rain forest?

The Brazilian Nut Tree is one.

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sun,flowers, grass, and don't forget the wonderful trees that give us oxygen.

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The anaconda does live in the amazon rain forest.

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yes they do live in a tropical rain forest! :)

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Dolphins do not live in the rain forest.

What are producers in a trapicol rain forests?

The producers are basiacally plants that live in the forest. Banana trees may be one. just think of any plant that would thrive in hot and humid areas and you get your answer

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Yes green anacondas do live in the rain forest

What layer of a rain forest does a sting ray live in?

Sting Rays live in the ocean, not the Rain Forest.