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Q: What are the rhetorical devices twain uses in Huckleberry Finn to critisize some aspect of society?
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Richard Hughes is the founding member of the Boston Rhetorical Society.

What are the symbols in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

The adult symbolize society's hypocrisy and Huckleberry Finn symbolize freedom of childhood.

What rhetorical strategiesdevices does Mark Twain use in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

Mark Twain uses satire, vernacular language, irony, and humor as rhetorical devices in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." These techniques help him explore serious themes and critique societal norms, particularly related to racism and morality. Twain also uses Huck as a unreliable narrator to challenge the reader's assumptions and beliefs.

Why are huckleberry and tom valuable to society?

The stories Twain wrote were a reflection of the society he lived in. The treatment of slaves is addressed and the southern life along the Mississippi. I wouldn't say that the characters were valuable to society, but they reflect the that society.

What is social comentary?

Subconscious social commentary, is the act where rhetorical means is used, to provide description on issues in a society.

Why did Ronald Reagan critisize the new deal of the 1930's and the great society of the 1960's?

Reagan was a conservative and as such, he preferred that social problems be solved by private enterprise rather than by government intervention.

What is Utopian Fiction?

A rhetorical novel in which the author presents an ideal society, with the implicit message being that people should try to organize their own society in a similar way.

What are symbols in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

The adult symbolize society's hypocrisy and Huckleberry Finn symbolize freedom of childhood.

Who is the antagonist in the adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

In "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," the main antagonists are the Widow Douglas and Miss Watson as they represent the oppressive society that Huck Finn is trying to escape from. Additionally, characters like Pap, the Duke, and the King also serve as antagonists throughout the novel.

What are 3 literary devices from the song war by Edwin Starr?

Repetition: The use of the phrase "War, what is it good for?" repeated throughout the song emphasizes the theme of the destructive nature of war. Rhetorical question: The song is filled with rhetorical questions that challenge the listener to think about the consequences of war and its impact on society. Imagery: Through vivid descriptions and powerful language, the song creates imagery that evokes strong emotions and conveys the horrors of war.

What is subconscious social comentary?

Subconscious social commentary, is the act where rhetorical means is used, to provide description on issues in a society.

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Why do US people tend to pose rhetorical questions?