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The rules of tornado safety are to get to low ground if you live in a mobile home get out and go to a safer place. If you don't have a basement then get under a sturdy piece of furniture like a table or under a mattress. If you have a basement go down ,but make sure that you have a good supply of food and water. Get out of cars, and stay inside.

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Q: What are the rules of tornado safety?
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What are the safety rules for a tornado?

If there's a tornado close by you should get in your basement.If you do not have a basement get your couch coushins and a mattress and get in your bath tub and place the cushions and the mattress on you. If you are nowhere near a house and are outside, get to the lowest point on the grond around you.

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The safest place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar.

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We follow safety rules for be safe.

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Safety rules should be followed because those such rules are put into place in order to maintain order, organization, and to ensure safety. If safety rules did not exist we would have an unsafe atmosphere in many areas. Following safety rules helps to a safer time on doing something

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pictures of safety rules for children

What is safety rules?

Rules that keep you safe.

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we need to follow the safety rules so that we dont get in accidents

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You have safety rules in a lab, and elsewhere, so you will not hurt yourself or others.

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