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Q: What are the silent letters in pneumatic?
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Related questions

Why is there a p in words like pneumonia and pneumatic?

becuase they are silent

What silent letters is in wrote?

The silent letter in the word "wrote" is the silent W.

What is the silent letters of subtle?

The letters b and e are silent in subtle.

What is the silent letter in the word horn?

There are no silent letters, all letters are sounded.

What are some words with silent letter p?

Some examples of English words with a silent P are pneumonia, pneumatic, psychic and psychiatrist.

What words begin with a silent p?

Some words that begin with a silent 'p' include: psychology, pneumonia, pneumatic, and pseudo.

Which letters are silent in wrestle?

The 'w' is silent.

What are silent letters on the word punctuation?

In the word "punctuation," the silent letters are "u" and "a." The "u" is silent, as it is not pronounced in the word. The "a" is also silent, as it does not have a distinct sound in the word.

What are the silent letters in pslam?

P + L are the silent letters. The word is pronounced like "Sam"

Words with silent first letters?

Guile is an example of a word with two silent letters. Both the u and the final e are silent, which is not to say that they have no use in the word. The u is there to ensure that the g continues to produce a hard sound and not the softer sound in the word judge. The final e is there to change the sound of the i from the i sound in fish to the i sound in bike.

Which letters are silent in sphere?

H is the silent letter

Does touch have silent letters?

yes a silent o