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Mali had more territory, more people, and more trade, so royal officials had more responsibilities. Kings divided the empire into provinces, like Ghana. Ghana relied on help from a council of ministers, or group of close advisers. As the empire grew, rulers divided it into provinces.Lesser, often conquered leaders, governed each of these areas.

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11y ago

Although they are both in western Africa, Ghana and Mali are very different. Ghana's government is a constitutional democracy, whereas Mali has a semi-presidential government. Ghana's official language is English, whereas Mali's is French. In addition, Mali has a much larger land mass.

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12y ago

First of all, one of the reasons is that Mali is far larger and far more wealthier than Ghana . And second of all, Mali has some good trade items that Ghana doesnt. For example, salt and gold. Mali is the only one who you would go to to trade for salt and gold. I HOPE THIS HELPED. :)

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13y ago

1.) They were both divided into provinces.

2.) Had the same gold and salt trade.

3.) Located in Africa near the Niger River.

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Q: How is Mali different than Ghana?
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you idiot, Ghana is a bigger empire than Ghana. even a fool knows that

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What part of Africa were Ghana and Mali located?

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When Ghana fell what kingdom did it become part of?

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