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Autism - Symptoms
  • Delayed or unusual speech patterns (many autistic children, for example, memorize video scripts and repeat them word for word with the precise intonation as the TV characters)
  • High pitched or flat intonation
  • Lack of slang or "kidspeak"
  • Difficulty understanding tone of voice and body language as a way of expressing sarcasm, humor, irony, etc.
  • Lack of eye contact
  • Inability to take another's perspective (to imagine oneself in someone else's shoes)
A:also some strange movements and motions A:General symptoms of autistic children include:

1. Difficulty in verbal and nonverbal communication. Avoid eye contact. Prefers to play alone.

2. Prefers to changeless life style. Difficulty in adjusting to changes in routine or familiar surroundings.

3. Difficulty in using and understanding language. Repeating words or phrases.

4. Repetitive body movements. Inability to concentrate on one thing. Lack of imagination.

A:Autism is a disorder that usually consists of the person commonly being known to be "in his/her own little world". It is a brain development disorder that affects people by restricting good social interactions and repetitive behaviour. Here are the signs/symptoms and a link to a test to see if you or your child might have autism.

Signs/Symptoms For Autism:

*little or no eye contact, facial expressions, and/or body language

*unable to form friendships with their peers

*not willing or able to share enjoyment or accomplishments with others

*unable to relate or share emotions on a social level


*doesn't talk or doesn't use language properly

*doesn't respond to voices or other sounds

*no attempt to replace language with another form of communication

*unable to talk with another person even if they have the ability to talk

*repeating words or having echolalia (echoing words without meaning)

*no imaginative play (doesn't pretend or play make-believe games)


*obsessed with a certain topic or object

*focused on specific routines or rituals that have no practical function

*repetitive actions or movements like flapping, spinning, and/or body movements

*intense preoccupation with parts of objects

* extra sensitive to certain sounds, smells, tastes, or textures

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One of the most common symptoms of Autism is not speaking. They may only say a single word and child may repeat a phrase or word he or she has heard. Also, limited interest is another sign of the disease. Instead of playing with other kids, they just repeat the simple actions of people around them. Also, these children have the tendency of screaming fits and twiddling of fingers. Also are prone to rock backing and forth and drool. Other symptoms can be biting their fingers or hitting their heads against the wall. Some gouge at their own eyes while others cry or laugh for no discernible reason.

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They say "if you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism," and they are absolutely right! That's because the appearance of autism can vary from person to person. One person with autism may be very verbal, bright and engaged, while another is non-verbal, intellectually challenged and almost entirely self-absorbed

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Is the a particuler gruop of people that have autism?

There is a particular group of people that have autism: Autistic people! Autism does tend to be more commonly found in males, however often autism symptoms show differently in females and females are better at hiding their symptoms so it may be that autism is just underdiagnosed in females.

Where can one find more information about the symptoms of autism?

There are many helpful sites on-line that have great information about the symptoms of Autism as well as information on how to cope with the condition. For great information you can check out the Autism Speaks page.

Is screaming common with autism?

no. there are many other symptoms though.

When was autism added to the dsm?

Autism first appeared in the DSM in 1952 but only to describe symptoms of schizophrenia. Infantile autism was then included under the umbrella of Pervasive Developmental Disorders in 1980, changed from infantile autism to autism disorder in 1987.

Does everyone have autism?

Nope. 1 in every 68 children (1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls) have autism. While other people may have symptoms that are similar to those of Autism, not everyone has Autism.

Is fragile x like Autism?

no Added: Fragile X is like autism in that the condition can be a spectrum disorder, no or mild symptoms to severe symptoms. Fragile X is Genetic, the genetics of Autism are still being determined. Fragile X can be diagnosed any where by any doctor by a simple blood test, Autism is a subjective diagnosis based on evaluations and observations.

What are the most obvious autism symptoms?

While there are many symptoms of Autism, there are a few that are most common. These symptoms include, lack of eye contact, lack of expressing joy, lack of enjoyment in activities most children show interest in, and lack of response to one's name.

Should Autism be treated as a disease?

In some cases depending on the severity of symptoms Autism must be treated as a disease (or even several interacting diseases). However many cases of Autism can be treated simply by teaching better coping strategies. In a few cases they may not currently have symptoms that require treating it as a disease, but such symptoms may develop later in life.

Did Virginia Woolf have autism?

There's a chance that she did have it. Her symptoms were borderline. - Anonymous Zara

What are the symptoms of Savant Syndrome?

The symptoms of Savant Syndrome are not to be confused with autism. It is a form of autism, but the children seem to do well at one special skill, such as drawing or math, going into the exceptional category but other skills they are below average.

What are the 3 different symptoms people who suffer from autism have?

Firstly, it's important to recognise that not all autistic people 'suffer', autism is part of who we are as individuals and not necessarily a negative at all and can be a positive. Three common symptoms with autism are:Problems with social communication.Problems with increased sensitivity to sensory input.Problems with social interaction.

How do you stop being autistic?

You don't. Autism is currently incurable. Therapy and education can help symptoms, but it is otherwise impossible to "stop being autistic".