

What are the uses of indole?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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11y ago

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indole has various use in industries of perfume, pharma . It is used to prepare jasmine oil, orange oil and it is found in coal tar.

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The indole test is a biochemical test performed on bacterial species to determine the ability of the organism to split indole from the amino acid tryptophan. This division is performed by a chain of a number of different intracellular enzymes, a system generally referred to as "tryptophanase."

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S.aureus is a positive gram. Indole test is a part the biochemistry test to determinate a bacteria negative gram. indole test used to determine S.aureus, the result is negative. That is improve which S.aureus haven't trytophanase enzym (please see indole test principle)bcb

Explain the chemical mechanism for detecting indole in a bacterial culture?

Indole is extracted from the medium and into the reagent layer (Kovac's) by the acidified butyl alcohol component and forms a complex with the p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde, yielding the cherry red color seen when the culture is indole positive.

What test will differentiate between Klebsiella pneumonia and Citrobacter freundii?

K. oxytoca will be indole-positive while K. pneumonia is indole-negative

What is Staphylococcus aureus sim test results?

Staphylococcus aureus is negative for motility, and positive for the indole production. The SIM test tests for sulfur reduction, indole production and motility. Positive for indole production means tryptophan is broken down into indole and pyruvate and will give a red color. Motility, you will see the bacteria move outside of the stab. Positive for sulfur reduction will give a black color in the medium.