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Q: What are the ways that electromagnetic wave have affected today?
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What are ways to describe a wave?

Waves can be described by:frequency/periodspeedintensitywavelengthamplitudepressureshapedecibelsHertzphonssonesmelsIf you are looking for adjectives that can be used to illustrate or depict a wave, I suggest you ask another question with the type of wave you're looking to describe (soundwave, ocean wave, Miss America's wave, wave of emotion, waves in my hair, a sway, radio wave, light wave, electromagnetic wave, etc.)

How did the war affect music today?

There are many ways in which the war affected music today. It had an impact on the forces used to make music.

What is different between electromagnetic and matter waves?

Electromagnetic waves are very much different from the matter waves and in many ways. a) Speed of matter waves is very much less than the speed of electromagnetic waves. b) Matter waves cannot be radiated in empty space unlike electromagnetic waves. c) Matter waves are just associated with the particle, not emitted by it Matter waves have smaller wave lengths than electromagnetic waves

What are 2 ways the ocean can provide energy?

Wave action and tidal currents are being utilized today to produce electrical energy.

In Heat Wave by Helen Ketteman what is affected?

"Heat Wave" by Helen Ketteman is a children's book about animals trying to find ways to stay cool during a hot summer day. The main theme is how the heat affects the animals and how they cope with it.

What are the 8 types of waves?

There are many ways of classifying waves. One of those ways are by categorizing them by their ability or inability to transmit energy through a vacuum. The two categories are electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves. Light is an electromagnetic wave, which has the ability to travel through a vacuum (empty space). Sound is a mechanical wave, it needs to travel through a medium (air, water, etc.) However, if you're looking for waves categorized by their wave length, they are (Going from shortest wavelength to longest.. Keep in mind, the shorter the wave length, the more energy it has): a) Gamma Rays b) X-Rays c) Ultra Violet Rays d) Visible Light e) Infrared f) Microwaves g) Radio Waves (p.s. These are electromagnetic waves)

What is a difference between infrared and radio waves?

A radio wave is an electromagnetic wave that can convey information from one point to another. This information can be modulated in many different ways. Do not confuse "radio wave" as applied to the electromagnetic wave with "radio wave" as applied to the specific modulation of audio information, such as music. Similarly, "tv wave" is an electromagnetic wave that is modulated to convey television information, which includes both audio and video.

What are types of wave according to the mosyon of the particle?

Wave propagation is any of the ways in which waves travel.With respect to the direction of the oscillation relative to the propagation direction, we can distinguish between longitudinal wave and transverse waves.For electromagnetic waves, propagation may occur in a vacuum as well as in a material medium. Most other wave types cannot propagate through vacuum and need a transmission medium to exist

What is the passage of an EM wave through a medium?

when EM waves encounter a material medium, they can interact with it in much the same way that mechanical waves do. A mechanical wave transfer energy in two ways. As it travels, the wave moves potential energy from one place to another.

How has Continental drift affected organism that's are alive today?

Organisms become widely sperated, their genetic makeup may change in different ways.

What are four ways a 'wave' can be changed?

wavelength, amplitude, frequency, and wave speed

Two ways to determine wave speed?

you can determine it by the wavelenght and the period of the wave and the frequencey