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Just based on the small amount of information you gave. I would say ringworm. Either go to the Doctor, or you can try putting Athletes Foot cream on it. Ringworm is a Fungus, not worms. It is INCREDIBLY contagious!

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Q: What are these Hard white donut shaped bumps on my face?
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What causes small white hard bumps on face Especially in senior citizens?

Tiny white bumps on the face can be a condition called milia. These bumps can appear at age. There are harmless.

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Those are seeds that's are stuck in your pours . That's why it causes a bump.

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It is hard to make a diagnosis but it could be anything from a white head to a fatty bump. If you are concerned see the doctor.

What are small white hard bumps that look like ant bits or pimples but are not found often on children?

milia or "milk spots".

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Jupiter has a moon called Io. It has active volcanoes made from sulfur. Sometimes this material gets into the orbit of Jupiter and forms a donut-shaped ring. Jupiter's rings are very hard to see and nowhere as spectacular as Saturn's.

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Molluscum bumps are white and have a central depression. They are typically one to two millimeters in diameter and usually occur in multiples.

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Hitting it on hard surfaces!

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get a donut open your mouth BITE move jaw up and down you finally have a jawline.