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Q: What are three achievements of the Gupta empire that contributed to the Golden Age?
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What are the Gupta Empire's achievements?

The Gupta Empire was a vast empire of India, it was a peaceful time. In this time, mathmactices made great advances. The discovery of zero, infinty, decimal numbers, and also pi. Advances in medical, astronomy, and science, lead to discoverers of seven planets, and minor surgery, and theory of gravity, and figuring out that the planet was round not flat. This time period was considered the golden age.

Why should gupta age be considered as the golden age?

The Gupta Empire was and still is considered as the golden age of India, because they created a strong central government to rule their empire, granted significant independence to local leaders, created an era of stability and prosperity, promoted learning and artistic growth, encouraged learning by building universities, flourishing writing, painting, sculpture, and metalwork, made important advances in mathematics, built a vast system of roads! Many of these achievements, especially math and literature, continue to affect the world today!

What is a difference between the Mauryan Empire and the Gupta Empire?

The Mauryan Empire was larger than the Gupta Empire.

What is a achievement that developed during the golden age of the gulpa empire?

During the Gupta period from A.D. 320 to about A.D. 500, India's literature, sculpture, and other arts reached high levels of accomplishment. Textile manufacturing and trade with China and Southeast Asia flourished. Music and dance developed the complex forms that formed the basis of classical Indian music and dance. Sanskrit, India's classical language, flowered during the Gupta period. Hindu schools and Buddhist monasteries taught astronomy, grammar, mathematics, medicine, philosophy and religion. Gupta mathematicians invented the decimal system and the numerals that most of the world uses today. Under the Guptas, hinduism developed many of the social and religious forms found today. I hope that this has been a help to you. Source:

Who did the Gupta empire trade with?

The Gupta empire traded with other Indian empires and even Roman empires.

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What is an example of an achievemnt that was made during the golden age of the gupta empire?

The main achievements of the Gupta Empire were in the fields of war and art. Art included their sculpture, painting, literature and architecture.

The gupta empire was best known for its?

golden age of achievements in the arts and sciences

What achievements made the gupta empire golden age?


What is an achievements that developed during the golden age of the Gupta empire?

~Universities ~Literature ~Painting ~Sculpture ~Mathematics ~Roads

How did the peaceful years of the Gupta Empire contribute to culutural achievements?

it was there

Which Indian empire was known as a golden age?

Its called the Gupta Empire

What is which empire is described as the golden age classical Indian culture?

India's golden age lasted from roughly 320 to 550 CE under the Gupta Empire. The Gupta Empire covered much of what is modern India.

The golden age of India took place during what Empire?

Golden age of India is the Gupta Empire. During this period India witnessed a huge growth in culture,medicine,temples,science and economy. Aryabhatta,Varahamihra were greatest mathematicians during Gupta era. Arts and music reached a new height.

Why is the gupta empire called the golden age of?

The Gupta Empire is referred to the Golden Age of India because it was a time of cultural activities. art, literature, and poetry was huge during this time.

What achievements made the gupta the empire a golden age?


What empire did the golden age of India took place during?


What empire is called the golden age in India?

Gupta Empire (320 A.D to 550 A.D)