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Tonsil stones are just a little thing in your tonsil pocket. A tonsil Stone cause Bad breath, Headaches, Fevers, and sometimes lumps in your throats. A Tonsil Stone is just germs and leftover food in your tonsil pockets. Also it can maybe cause a sore throat.

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Elvis Franecki

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Q: What are tonsils stones?
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What is the treatment called breaking tonsils?

The treatment that is typically called breaking tonsils is the treatment medically named Peritonsillar Abscess. This is when a stones are removed from the tonsils.

What are tonsil stones and where can these be safely removed?

Hi there, I had my tonsils removed 5 months ago because of my tonsil stones. Tonsil stones are actually a build up of plaque, bacteria and any other debris that finds its way to the small concave shaped holes in your tonsils. You can have the tonsil stones removed by any hospital/a&e however they would probably recommend to have your tonsils removed all together which I promise you is a lot better. I suffered with tonsil stones and tonsillitis for my whole life and I am so glad I had them removed. Go to your GP and tell them about the stones, they will refer you to the hospital to either get your tonsils or the stones removed

What are those Hard white stones on tonsils?

Everything is answered here:

Do kids get tonsil stones?

Yes you can feel them. Its an uncomfortable feeling in the back of your throat that's really irritating! But go and see your doctor if it is really bugging you.

What causes tonsil stones?

Tonsil "stones" are not really stones but hardened pieces of pus from little bits of food and bacteria that get lodged in the little crevices of tonsils or what's left of tonsils after they are removed. It is more common during colds but can happen any time. I get them alot. It feels as though a popcorn kernal is stuck in the throat but simply get a long, blunt, narrow object and press lightly on the sides and they pop right out. They smell awful!

I have a really bad staph sinus infection and it wont go away please help. Also one of my tonsils has like a hole in it the other one doesnt and i need to sing but my singing voice is gone HELP?

The hole in your tonsils is probably the result of repeated infection. The holes are mostly caused by debris being impacted into your tonsils (tonsil stones or tonsillolith) and your tonsils being inflamed and not able to resist the forming of the stones. If you have tonsil stones you should be able to know they are there by feeling them move during a cough, or by looking. You can identify them by looking at the hole and seeing a cream/white coloured clump. For me, the pain eased when I removed the stones. I used a cotton swab and extremely gently rotated it on the stone, the swabs normally pick up the stones and they come out. If that doesn't work, simply bearing the pain and digging into the hole to get the stuff out is the way to go.As far as the staph infection, talk to your doctor.

What is the solid foul-smelling discharge from tonsil crevices?

The waxy solid foul smelling discarges from tonsils are called tonsilliths (tonsil lith) or more commonly "tonsil balls or tonsil stones." They form when the crypts of the tonsils capture a food particle and it starts to "fester."

What are Types of tonsils?

Tonsils, palatine tonsils and Waldeyer's ring. Tonsils are part of the lymphatic (Immune System)

What tonsils are located at the back of the tongue?

lingual tonsils

What are tonsil stones, and what are the common symptoms and treatment options for this condition?

Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are small, hard deposits that form in the crevices of the tonsils. These formations are typically composed of calcified debris, including dead cells, mucus, and food particles that get trapped in the tonsil crypts. Common symptoms of tonsil stones may include: Bad breath (halitosis): Tonsil stones often emit a foul odor, leading to persistent bad breath that may not be alleviated by regular oral hygiene practices. Sore throat: Some individuals with tonsil stones may experience discomfort or irritation in the throat, particularly when swallowing. White or yellowish deposits: Tonsil stones may be visible as small white or yellowish formations lodged in the tonsil crypts. Swollen tonsils: In some cases, tonsil stones can cause mild inflammation or enlargement of the tonsils. Treatment options for tonsil stones include: Self-care measures: Maintaining good oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing, and gargling with saltwater, can help reduce the formation of tonsil stones. Manual removal: Small tonsil stones can often be dislodged or removed at home using gentle pressure or a cotton swab. However, caution should be exercised to avoid injuring the tonsils. Saltwater gargles: Gargling with warm saltwater can help reduce inflammation, alleviate discomfort, and dislodge small tonsil stones. Water irrigation: Using a water flosser or oral irrigator, directed at the tonsils, can help flush out debris and prevent the accumulation of tonsil stones. Antibiotics: In cases where tonsil stones are associated with infection or recurrent tonsillitis, a healthcare professional may prescribe antibiotics to address the underlying bacterial infection. Tonsillectomy: For individuals with severe and recurrent tonsil stones or underlying chronic tonsillitis, a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils (tonsillectomy) may be recommended. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific condition. They can provide further guidance and recommendations based on the severity and frequency of your tonsil stone symptoms. Visit - Secondmedic

The pharyngeal tonsils are also called the adenoids?

Palatine tonsils and adenoids are NOT synonymous. Palatine tonsils, sometimes called faucial tonsils, are found at the back of the throat. Adenoids are the pharyngeal tonsils, located in the back of the nasal cavity.

What can you do for bad breath due to tonsil stones?

Bad breath from tonsils is generally caused by tonsil stones. Possible treatment includes removing the tonsil stones at home, gargling with warm salt water, using antibiotics, or having the tonsil stones removed by a surgeon. Since tonsil stones contain bacteria and other debris, things like mouthwash and gum will not help your bad breath.