

Best Answer
  1. Rotting trees add carbon dioxide (and sometimes methane) to the atmosphere.
  2. Burning trees releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
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Q: What are two ways that deforestation adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?
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How is deforestation adding to the greenhouse effect?

Trees remove carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere and store the carbon in their trunks and branches. When deforestation happens and the trees are burnt or rot, that carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere, and because no more trees are planted, there is no longer anything to remove the CO2. This is how deforestation adds to the greenhouse effect.

What process adds carbon dioxide the atmosphere?


Whats the definition of gas released when trees are burned?

I think its carbon dioxide but i'm not sure

What is deforestation and how is it linked to global warming?

Deforestation is the destruction of forests. Forests remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and act like a great carbon sink, storing the carbon in its leaves, roots, trunks and branches. Destroying the trees adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, causing global warming.

What role does the combustion of fossil fuels have in the carbon cycle?

It increases the carbon dioxide in the oceans. It adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

What are the two ways that deforestation adds to the greenhouse effect?

Forests store carbon, sequestering it from the atmosphere. Deforestation means the timber may be used and eventually converted to carbon dioxide, or left to rot, which also means that it is converted to carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. Either way, deforestation contributes to increasing carbon dioxide levels and consequently the global warming process. More detail: Deforestation is the cutting down of trees to improve the value of tracts of land by making space for farms usually. Trees are a large source of oxygen and also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. by cutting down trees, you limit the amount of carbon dioxide being removed from the air and, usually, the trees are burnt after being cut down in a 'chop and burn' method, this releases the carbon in the tree which reacts with oxygen because of the heat and moving into the atmosphere. As of such, not only does deforestation remove sources of oxygen and carbon dioxide sinks (a 'reservoir' of CO2) it also adds excess oxygen into the atmosphere. Forests are a strong "carbon sink." Through a process called photosynthesis, forests consume carbon dioxide and, using energy from sunlight, 'eat' the carbon atom in the carbon dioxide molecule, using it to create sugars and other nutrients and releasing the leftover oxygen. While all plants do this, tall, dense forests are the most efficient in terms of how much carbon a square acre of forest can remove from the atmosphere. Deforestation -- the widespread destruction of forest -- reduces the planet's ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere. This exacerbates the problem of carbon dioxide emissions because it lowers how much carbon can be removed from the atmosphere.

Why are the violent weathers increasing?

That's likely due to human activity. Violent weathers like thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, etc are increasing because of global warming. Humans have been destroying forest, a process called deforestation, we also burn fossil fuels which adds carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, some people even smoke which also adds carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The cause of global warming is due to population growth.

In what two main ways does deforestation alter atmospheric carbon?

Rotting timber adds either methane or carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.The missing trees no longer remove carbon from the air through photosynthesis.

What will burning trees in a forest or gasoline in car will do to the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide, laid down millions of years ago when fossil fuels were formed.

Why is there more carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere?

There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere now because we have been burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) for more than 200 years. This burning adds long-hidden carbon dioxide, so it is too much for the carbon cycle to completely recycle.

Is fossil fuel diesel or biodiesel?

Diesel oil is a fossil fuel.Bio diesel oil is a renewable fuel that adds to carbon dioxide to the greenhouse gases (it moves carbon dioxide in and out of the atmosphere as part of the carbon cycle).

What do scientists suggest is the reason for global warming?

Burning fossil fuels adds extra carbon dioxide to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.Deforestation removes forests that used to take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.