

What are various data types?

Updated: 10/14/2020
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6y ago

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Integer types, floating point types, Boolean types, character types, string types, pointer and array types, reference types, enumeration and other user-defined types.

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Q: What are various data types?
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In c language data types are used to specify the tye of data.for ex:int a;It means "a" is a variable of type integer.There are two types of data types in c.They areprimary data typessecondary data typesprimary data types are the built in data types and secondary data types are the user defined data for primary data types are int,float,char,long,double..and for secondary are arrays,structures,pointers,unions..

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What are the different types of data?

Types of data types :Primitive data typeUser-defined data typeDerived Data typePrimitive data type:int,char,float,double,voidUser-Defined data type:class,enumeration,structure,unionDerived Data type:Arrays,Functions,Pointers.