

What are verbs that describe a cat?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are verbs that describe a cat?
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No adverbs describe a cat. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Cat is a noun, and adjectives describe nouns. Purring, friendly, and playful are some adjectives that can describe a cat.

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No verbs describe a car. A car is a noun, and verbs don't describe nouns. Adjectives describe nouns.Some adjectives that describe a car:fastloudredslowsmallyellow

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verbs do NOT describe anything, adjectives describe an object, verbs are 'working" words

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Verbs do not describe!

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The verb forms that also function as adjectives are the present participle (the -ing words) and the past participle of the verb. Some examples that can describe a cat are: • sleeping • purring • curled • jumping • contented • playing • stalking • striped Some examples of 'adjectives" that describe the noun cat are playful, watchful ,and of course intelligent.

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Intensive verbs describe the subject complement but extensive verbs describe what the subject does.

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Verbs do not describe things- those are adjectives. Verbs are action words.

What are nouns to descibe a cat?

Some nouns about cats are:pawswhiskerstailclawsGarfieldSiamesegingertabbyPuss in Bootskittenfelinepet

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There aren't any verbs beginning with any letter that describe people. Verbs show an action. Adjectives describe people.

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Auxiliary verbs.

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Verbs don't describe nouns. Adjectives describe nouns.

Do adjectives describe verbs?

Adjectives describe nouns. Adverbs modify verbs.