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Q: What atomic orbital does the outermost electron of nonmetals occupy?
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The atomic radius to the distance from the nucleus of an atom to?

The atomic radius is the distance from the nucleus of an atom to the outermost orbital of electron.

What does atomic radius means?

Atomic Radius means the size of the atoms, the distance from the atomic nucleus to the outermost electron orbital.

What is a electron cloud?

An electron cloud is an atomic orbital.

The region outside the nucleus where an electron can most probably be found is?

The region outside the nucleus where electrons can most probably be found is called the Atomic Orbital. The Atomic Orbital is also known as the Electron Cloud.

Which is the best analogy describing the location of an electron in an atomic orbital?

The movement of planets around the Sun is the best analogy to describe the location of an electron in an atomic orbital.

What is amotic orbital?

Atomic Orbital is a math funciton which utilizes quantum mechanics. Atomic Orbital represents three-dimensional volume and indicates where an electron will be found.

A spherical electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus best represents what?

A spherical electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus would best represent an s orbital. A maximum of 2 electrons can occupy an orbital.

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How do you draw a orbital diagram for hydrogen with the atomic mass of 3 and atomic number of 1?

To draw the orbital diagram for hydrogen with an atomic mass of 3 and atomic number of 1, you start by writing the electron configuration as 1s1. Since hydrogen has only one electron, it occupies the 1s orbital. The orbital diagram would show a single electron in the 1s orbital, depicted as ↑.

A particle that is negativity charged and found in a atomic orbital is called a?


The sp3d2 atomic hybrid orbital set accommodates how many electron PAIRS?

there r 2 electrons in the s orbital, their r 6 electrons in p orbital , their r 10 electron's in the d orbital and 14 electrons in f orbital.