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Pollinators are attracted by color, scent, and shape of blooms.

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14y ago

The petals that are colorful and nectar!

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Q: What attracts pollinators to the flowers?
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What is the part of a plant that attracts pollinators?

Well, the rose flower attracts pollinators.

How does the carrions flower smell help the flower?

Scent in any bloom attracts pollinators. The carrion scent attracts flies which are the pollinators.

How does the smell of the carrion flower help the flower?

Scent in any bloom attracts pollinators. The carrion scent attracts flies which are the pollinators.

What colorful structure attracts pollinators to the flower?

The petals attract pollinators with color.

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Colour attracts pollinators such as insects, birds and animals.

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What does the smell of a Carrion flower do for it?

Carrion flowers are pollenated by flies and other insects that are attracted to rotting meat. So the plant shares its pollen.

What is a sweet juice produce by flowers?

Nectar is the sweet liquid that's found in flowers. It's what attracts pollinators such as bats, bees, beetles, butterflies, and hummingbirds to flowers. In exchange for getting hydrated, the pollinators help flower varieties to survive by spreading pollen over an area wider than the immediate one in which the particular flower is found.

What do flowers attract?


What attracts insects and birds for pollination?

It is known that the floral part that attracts insect pollinators is called the petal.

Why do trees have very bright flowers?

Trees have bright flowers to attract the pollinators. specific types of pollinators are bees and hummingbirds.

How do pollinators recognize the flowers they pollinate?

Flowers are known for their pretty colors and pleasant aromas. These are visual and olfactory cues to pollinators.