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Your only chance is to have a long, honest conversation with them. And I did say honest.

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Q: What can a person do if they have pushed someone they love away for all the wrong reasons how can they get that person back into their life?
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You cannot make someone admit they are wrong. You know you are right; they are wrong and that is all you need to know. If this person has done something terrible then try to get them to be responsible for their own actions and if they do not then break away from this person. If it's a crime then report it to the police. If it's gossip that has hurt someone then the person who will not admit to doing the wrong will pay for their mistakes eventually.

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Because it's wrong, illegal and liability reasons.

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Yes, (a person)someone can hit someone,But it isn't the right thing to do.Also on the other hand NO!not if it is a older person like a (Grandpa or a Grandma)that would be the wrong thing to do.

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fear of taking risks

What are some reasons people fall in love with the wrong person?

That is not Love That is Craze. and after knowing him or her the craze will be over. they thought they love wrong people. there is no love from starting