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a product of photosynthesis is oxygen .well, plants use oxygen and sunlight to

make food. another thing is that the food is made in the chloroplasts in the

palisade layer of cells.

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12y ago
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8y ago

The plants use the sugars from photosynthesis through cellular respiration to produce ATP (energy). It is true that plants make their own food by the process of photosynthesis using light energy to make sugars from carbon dioxide (C02) and water. In the process of photosynthesis, which is totally temperature dependent, carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil react with the sun's energy to form carbohydrates.

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10y ago

Plants use the glucose produced in photosynthesis for cellular respiration to create energy

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12y ago

They use it as energy that helps them move and grow and the food is called glucose

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13y ago

In the photosynthesis process, water combines with CO2 to create sugars

plants use those sugars for energy to grow and produce.

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13y ago

They use it for energy :D

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Q: How are the products in the photosynthesis used by plants?
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Where does the oxygen come from photosynthesis?

Oxygen is one of the by-products of photosynthesis. It comes from the breakdown of water molecules in plants during photosynthesis.

What product of photosynthesis is needed by both plants and other organisms for cellular respiration?

The products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen. Oxygen is used in cellular respiration.

Why plants are green and how does this relate to photosynthesis?

Plants are green because of their chloroplasts, And their chloroplasts are used in photosynthesis.

What gas used by both plants and animals is a product of photosynthesis?

Oxygen is a product of photosynthesis that is used by plants and animals for respiration.

What is the main 3 products of photosynthesis?

Oxygen and glucose are both important products of photosynthesis. Both plants and animals need the food, and both plants and animals need the oxygen.

How do plants make energy not photosynthesis for the world?

you can burn plants, and fire can be used to boil water to run a turbine. with photosynthesis: photosynthesis makes glucose, which is used for energy in animals and people that eat the plants

2 products in photosynthesis?

photosynthesis is the process where plants make food. in scientific terms, its the process used by plants to convert the light energy from the sun into chemical energy that can be used by the plant to fuel the plants activities. photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water and produces oxygen, and glucose(glucose)

What is used during photosynthesis?

In a photosynthesis sun light and water are used to make food for plants (except plants at the bottom of the sea).

How is photosynthesis used in plants to generate energy?

photosynthesis is plants using water and sunlight to make starch

The cellular organelles found in plants that are used in photosynthesis are called?


What is a waste product of photosynthesis that organisms need for cellular respiration?

There are a handful of waste products that are products of a plant's respiration. Oxygen is one such waste product.

What type of energy is produced by plants in photosynthisis?

Atp and oxygen are products of photosynthesis