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Q: What can travel long distances due to its long wavelength?
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the signal goes out of sink due to refraction

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because they all travel at the same speed (speed of light)

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High Frequency.

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The environment that Arabian horses were originally bred in helped them to become enduring horses with the ability to travel for very long distances on limited feed. It also allowed them to become fairly fast horses as they had wide open spaces to see predators from long distances away. Another thing is that they also became very friendly due to their reliance on humans for food and water.

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Spyder products are all made in Asia. This makes it difficult for stores to get goods due to the long distances.

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The distance that the signal can travel. This is due to the very short wavelength which varies from .7 to 300 um in the presence of air

Why do substances travel different distances in chromatography?

Due to the fact that different substances possess different retention time (they do differ from their size,shalpe,mol wt etc.)

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If you are inside the train then you can use a device called an accelerometer. If you are outside the train then you can time how long it takes the train to travel two successive distances, and use the SUVAT equations to determine it speed over each of the distances.

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Due to its wavelength level...

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The Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia from May 25 to September 17, 1787. The delegates met at the Pennsylvania State House. Due to travel difficulties and long distances, not all of the delegates were present during the early meetings.

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around 20 days