

What caused an increase in slaves in northern English?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What caused an increase in slaves in northern English?
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What cause an increase in the number slaves in the northern English colonies?

There were no slaves in northern colonies.

What caused an increase in the number of slaves in the northern English colony?

Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in Europe improved.

What caused an increase in the number of slaves in the northern English colonies?

Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in europe improved.

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What caused an increase in the number of slaves I the northern english colonies

What causes an increase in the number of slaves in the northern English colonies?

Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in Europe improved.

What caused an increased in the number of slaves in the northern English colonies?

Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in Europe improved.

What cause an increase in the number or slaves in the northern English colonies?

Fewer indentured servants arrived as conditions in Europe improved.

What caused slavery to increase in the southern?

cause slaves are good

What caused slavery in the Southern colonies to increase?

cause slaves are good

What did congress do that caused the increase of the domestic slave trade?

They passed a law in 1807 that prohibited imporation of slaves to the United States. The law took effect on January 1, 1808. The law did not ban slavery and children born to slaves automatically became slaves themselves. This law and the increasing need for slaves in the South caused the domestic slave trade to increase.

What invention led to a huge increase in the number of slaves in the South?

The cotton gin led to a huge increase in the number of slaves in the South. This happened because the cotton gin caused more cotton to be produced.

What caused the African population to increase in north America?

The slaves brought over from africa from the 1600s to the 1800s.