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The underlying cause would be increased blood flow; however, there are several reasons why this could have occurred.

One is trauma - a scrape, scratch or bruise to the skin or underlying muscle would cause the skin to turn red. This would be more visible if the overlying hair had also been removed.

Another is infection, which can be either bacterial or fungal in nature. There is usually a foul-smelling greasy exudate on the skin and it tends to itch like crazy.

Third would be an allergic reaction, which could be to anything from fleas to food to pollen.

Your veterinarian will be able to help sort out exactly what happened, as well as prescribe appropriate treatment. A wound would be treated with cleaning, fur trimming and giving it time to heal; an infection needs antibiotics of some sort and Allergies need avoidance therapy.

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There are a few reason why a dogs skin can turn bright red. It can occur because of allergies or from extreme weather change.

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