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The seasons. Polar ice melts more in the summer, and less in the winter.

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Q: What causes dramatic variations in the polar ice caps?
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Dramatic variations in the polar ice caps most likely suggest changes in?

earths climate

How does dramatic ice melt affect the arctic?

The big companies are to blame. They are using too much Carbon Dioxide, which causes it to break 'dramatic' holes in the ozone layer usually in the polar ice caps.

How does the depletion of the ozone layer affect polar bears?

Depletion of ozone layer causes the ice caps to melt. This affects the polar bears.

What causes polar ice to melt?

Melting of the ice caps Global warming causes the ice caps to melt. As they melt, the moving water corrodes at the remaining ice, speeding up the process.

Does Uranus have polar caps?

No. Uranus does not have a solid surface for the caps to be on. Earth and Mars have polar ice caps.

Are polar ice caps freshwater?

yes polar ice caps are freshwater

Does Neptune have polar caps?

Neptune, the 8th planet from the sun, does not have polar ice caps. However, at least one of its moons, Titan, has polar ice caps.

Do humans live in the polar ice caps?

no, they don't live in polar ice caps.

Does it rain in the polar ice caps?

Rain on the polar ice caps? Probably not; snow would be more common.

Planet other then earth with two polar ice caps?

Mars also has two polar ice caps.

Why are the polar ice caps being damaged?

Global warming is melting the polar ice caps and they are slowly disappearing.

Where is the polar ice caps located?

Generally by the polar regions