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Arthritis as well as chondromalacia.

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Q: What causes stiff painful knees?
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What condition causes stiff painful joints with knobby deformed knuckles?

Rhyeumatoid Arthritis

What does to jump with stiff legs mean?

To jump with stiff legs means to lock your knees.

What is the best knee brace for painful knees?


Why are your knees always painful and cold?

you are sick or getting old

What is the meaning of the word supple knees?

Supple means that they are flexible or easily bent, i.e. not stiff.

will this effect my knees?

To be honest the answer to your question is that this product might hurt your knees based on my experience with ankle weights, I did feel pain and soreness on my knees as well as my ankles and calf muscles.

Do you have meningitis?

No, I don't, but if I had a headache with a stiff, painful neck I would certainly go to the ER to get checked for it.

What happens when TB spreads to the joints?

Tubercular infection of joints causes a form of arthritis that most often affects the hips and knees. The wrist, hand, and elbow joints also may become painful and inflamed.

What disease of cats causes stiff legs?

Arthritis can.

What can be the causes of painful urination?

Some causes of painful urination can be a Urinary Tract Infection or possibly prostate problems. It is always good to see a doctor if painful urination persists.

Should your knees be locked during a deadlift?

if theyre locked the whole way through then its a stiff legged deadlift which will target your lower back and hamstrings. in a proper deadlift the knees should lock out at the top of the movement.

What causes pressure in ears above eyebrow along with a stiff neck?

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