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Things like this can happen to anyone, no matter how healthy.

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Q: What causes sudden short back spasms?
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Can muscle spasms on your back cause you to collapse?

No, back spasms would't cause a person to collapse. More likely, a spasm causes a person to abruptly stand still, bend in the direction that gives the most relief, and causes a "seizing" or tightness in the back muscles that are affected. Typically, if the person can lean or bend holding onto a wall or piece of furniture, or sit or lie down, the spasm eases and the person can move about again. Most back pain has spasms of varying degrees.

Can you give me a sentence using the word spasms?

I have back spasms.

What are the most commin muscel spasms?

Back spasms are very painful cramps in the back muscles. The pain can be the consequence of overdoing it through an athletic workout or just moving erroneous while getting out of bed or even doing a household chore. Most of the back spasms will affect the lower area of the back. You can lighten the pain of a muscle cramp in the back through certain home remedies.

What causes sudden rage in men?

Sudden rage in men is as a result of feeling of been pushed to the wall in which case the only option is to hit back. The situations that causes rage in men mostly include feeling that he is been cheated or deprived of his right. Abah Paul A.

What type of exercises can you do for terrible back muscle spasms?


Can you have back spasms and migraines?

Back spasms and Migraine can be comorbid. This means they are separate conditions that one person has at the same time. Spasms can also trigger Migraine in susceptible individuals. See your physician or headache specialist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders.

What causes leg spasms?

Spasms are the constriction of muscles, which can result in pain in different areas of the body. Spasms can be caused by many things such as injury, over working a certain group of muscles, and starting a new exercise routine too quickly and without proper warm up.

What is the real cause of thunder?

There are two causes of "Thunder" from lightning.the sudden increase in heat and pressure by the electric arc causes air to expand, and;the sudden removal of the arc (leaving a small vacuum) in its place, causes the air to rush back in.There is a lot of debate about which of these two are the main cause; general consensus is that both attribute to the sound.

Muscle spasms of the back often are due to the erector spinae contraction?


When beetles die why do they end up on their back?

When they die the muscles that make their legs move go into spasms. These spasms happen in an irregular pattern which then ultimately flips them over as they die.

Where can you get methocarbamol?

I went to the E.R. for back spasms .I was given a prescription. I had it filled at Rite Aid .

Why does he want you back all of a sudden?

If he wants you back that means he want to do sex