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It is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features, and mild to moderate intellectual disability.

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8y ago
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12y ago

It is a chromosomal abnormality due to increased maternal age, it does not spread.

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12y ago

Down syndrome is caused by an extra chrosome 21. it is very common, and is

sometimes even genetic. their may even be a chrosome error, too.


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9y ago

it takes time to teach them

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Can you catch down syndrome from kissing?

no you cannot down syndrome cannot be spread.

What trisomy causes Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is caused by the presence of a third chromosome 21

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Does Down Syndrome causes childlike behavior?

yes it causes childlike symptoms

Is there something to promote Down syndrome awareness?

Fundraisers, advertisements, and getting people to spread the word are very effective ways of promoting Down Syndrome.

What are some common causes of retardation?

There are many causes of retardation. These includes Down syndrome, velocariofacial syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, problems during pregnancy and other genetic disorders.

Causes Down Syndrome?

Having an extra copy of chromosome 21. You are supposed to have 2; when you have 3 (trisomy 21), Down's Syndrome is the result.

Can medication for gallstones during pregnancy cause Down syndrome?

See the Related Link to a very good FAQ on the causes of Down syndrome.

Why do people get down syndrome is it purely genetic?

Down syndrome is purely genetic. There are no known environmental causes of the disorder. It is not a disease that is passed from parent to child. It is simply an disorder when the chromosomes split during cell division during development. The mayoclinic describes the causes:

Why did evolution not occur in down syndrome?

Down Syndrome is a the addition of an extra chromosome and not really related to evolution. It is more of a genetic mutation that causes this event to occur.

What are some organizations that can help a family cope with a child's down syndrome?

National Down Syndrome Society is one of the organizations that help spread awareness and seek cure for Down syndrome. Research Down Syndrome is a 501c3 non-profit foundation that supports Down syndrome cognitive research at leading universities with the goal of developing biomedical therapies to treat the cognitive impairment of people with all ages with Down syndrome.

What causes Irukandji Syndrome?

Quote from Wikipedia: "Irukandji syndrome is a condition induced by envenomization through the sting of Carukia barnesi, the Irukandji jellyfish, and other cubozoans.[1]"Note: Irukandji Syndrome has nothing to do with Down Syndrome and this question should NOT be placed in the Down Syndrome category!