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This is something that you need to see a physician about.

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Q: What causes the swelling when a chicken bites a person and what is the treatment?
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There are many reasons for swelling. You should see a real doctor and not some anonymous person on the internet.

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The symptoms of meth use will vary from person to person depending upon a number of different factors, but swelling is possible.

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No, when a person has diarrhea they do not need hemorrhoid treatment. The causes of diarrhea can vary and so does the treatment. Hemorrhoids are another issue and needs a different medication.

Wasp stings the possible reaction and treatment?

The reaction will vary from person to person but at the very least will entail pain and swelling in the area of the sting. The normal treatment would be an anti-histamine. In a worst way scenario, the person who has been stung could suffer anaphylactic shock and die but this is very rare.

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Can alopecia treatment help my relative?

Alopecia treatment could possibly help your relative if it is determined that he suffers from the auto immune disease that causes it. It is thought that 1 person out of a 100 may suffer from it but only about 20% will respond to treatment.

What causes you to swell from stress?

Swelling is not a common stress reaction. It is more likely due to something that the person is doing to try to alleviate stress, such as eating too much salty food or drinking alcohol. If you are experiencing swelling, it could be an symptom of a serious physical condition. You should discuss it with a physician.

Why person becomes comatose after stroke?

the impact can cause the brain to move back and forth inside the skull. The movement of the brain inside the skull can tear blood vessels and nerve fibers, which causes swelling in the brain. This swelling presses down on blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood (and with it, oxygen) to the brain.

Can a person have an allergic reaction to BHT preservatives?

Yes some people can have an allergic reaction to BHT.I myself am very allergic to it.It causes throat swelling,sneezing,itchyness,diahhrea,headache,vomiting.

Is a chicken human?

No, a chicken is a bird. A human is a person like you or me.

What should you call a person who steals chicken?

chicken picken

What is an expression with the word chicken to mean not young person?

He/she was no spring chicken.