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Q: What color represents prosperity?
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How does color affect Asian people?

White represents death. Red and gold represents prosperity and happiness. Red also represents death so never write in red ink. Black represents bad luck

What does the elephant represents?

In many cultures, the elephant represents grace, prosperity, power, loyalty and wisdom.

What are the symbolism colours of China?

In China, red color represents good fortune and prosperity. White symbolizes purity and fulfillment. Yellow represents freedom from worldly cares. Green is associated with health.

What color represents laughter?

The color that represents laughter is the color yellow. The color red represents love and the color black typically represents death.

Is salmon a color?

silver on the outside, pinkish orange on the inside

What do the colors of the MasterCard logo represent?

The yellow color on the MasterCard logo represents prosperity and wealth. The bright red color on the logo represent vitality. Both are meant to show how loyal the company is towards it's customers.

What does the 3 beans in sambuca mean?

It represents health, happiness and prosperity.

What is the meaning of the colours on the lesotho flag?

Blue represents rain, white represents peace, and green represents prosperity. The black Basotho hat represents the indigenous people.

What color represents to be organised?

the color that represents to be organised is white

What color represents knowledge?

The Orange Color represents the knowledge.

What is lucky in China?

The color redDragonsRats (for prosperity)

What color represents democrats?

Pink. That's the color that represents their party.