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Try yellows,Oranges, and maybe black and white.on the clothes go with circus animals, giraffes,fishes, and maybe some other sea life

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Q: What colour clothes can one buy for an unknown gender unborn baby?
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When can you know the gender of your unborn baby?

16-20 weeks

Is it possible to have a prediction that is not a whole number?

Yes, it is. You can make a prediction about the gender of an unborn child and the gender is not even a number!

On the sims 3 if your a doctor can you tell what gender an unborn baby is?

Yes; if the character has progressed enough in the medical career, there is an option under "friendly" interactions to "determine gender."

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sex determination is banned of a unborn baby because if a un needed gender is devoleping the parents can do abortion to prevent the borning of the child

Should people be allowed to find out what gender their unborn baby is?

i say no because then the baby wont be a surprise to the parent.

Which test indicates the sex of the unborn with a 100 percent accuracy?

The ultrasound test is the most accurate test used to determine the gender of a baby.

What does a Chinese gender predictor calendar or planner do?

The Chinese gender predictor calendar is an age old tool drawn up over 700 years ago, which is claimed can predict the gender of an unborn baby by a calculation involving the mothers age and the month that the baby was conceived in.

What colour eyes will an unborn child have if the father has green eyes and the mother has black eyes?

more than likely green or brown

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Selena's mother suffered a miscarriage. The unborn baby was named Scarlett. The cause is unknown, sometimes it just happens.

How can you find the gender of baby based on dates of birth of parents Rh factor coitus date family history of grand parents etc?

All those factors have some influence on the gender of a baby, but it is impossible to predict the gender of a baby on the basis of any or all of those factors. Only an examination of the foetus can tell the gender of an unborn baby.

Where are there baby gender predictors online?

There are baby gender predictors online on sites like fortune baby, child birth, gender prediction test and many more. These are known sites being used by thousands of people from around the world.

How can you tell what sex a chick is inside its egg?

There is no definite answer to an unborn chick's gender, even if you candle the egg. Some breeds, you can't even tell until it lays an egg.