

What countries use the law of sharia?

Updated: 3/26/2020
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12y ago

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All Muslim countries. In addition, these laws exist in Muslim communities elsewhere, This law is Codes of Conduct.

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Q: What countries use the law of sharia?
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Which Middle Eastern Country practices strict Sharia Law?

Sharia law is practiced in Many Islamic countries. It is most stricly practiced in Saudi Arabia.

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If Shari'a Law is the law of the country you are visiting, then yes. Extraterritoriality does not exist in this day and age.

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Sharia law is used by the religion of Islam.

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Sharia law is the law of Almighty God so no one is at risk ANSWER 2: Sharia law is not in the Qur'an and is, therefore, manmade law. It is also known to differ somewhat according to the country in which a Muslim lives. The group most at risk under sharia law would be homosexuals.

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Sharia law is not followed in Australia, and is viewed as barbaric and highly frowned upon.

Is Islamic law Nigerian law?

nope, its Sharia law ^^

What is the meaning of sharia?

Sharia, or al sharia, is Arabic for "the law." The word is generally used to refer to the Islamic law derived from the Koran and from the writings and reported actions of the Prophet Mohammad.