

What countries used nuclear weapons in the Vietnam War?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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19y ago

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None. No nuclear weapons were used in Viet Nam.

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Q: What countries used nuclear weapons in the Vietnam War?
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What type of nuclear weapons did the US use in the Vietnam War?

The U.S used no nuclear weapons whatsoever on Vietnam.

What weapon was not used in the Vietnam war?

Nuclear weapons were not used in the Vietnam War.

What weapon was not used in Vietnam during the war?

Nuclear weapons were not used during the Vietnam war

Why do you have nuclear weapons?

Some of the countries have nuclear weapons because they use them as a defense mechanism. The nuclear weapons are intended to be used whenever there is a war.

Did we drop the hydrogen bomb on Vietnam?

No hydrogen bombs were dropped on Vietnam. No nuclear weapons of any kind were used in Vietnam.

Why weren't nuclear weapons used during the Vietnam war?

Fear that the North Vietnamese would obtain nuclear weapons themselves (from Russia or China) and use them on South Vietnam or even on America.

Why weren't nuclear weapons used in the Vietnam war?

The US did not want to risk a nuclear confrontation with the communist superpowers.

Which countries used nuclear weapons during the war?

The only country that has ever used nuclear weapons in any war was the US, at the end of WW2.

Were nuclear weapons used in the cold war?

as you have been getting that message are they the same questions asked well no. you see they ask for countries, and this asks for just were there nuclear weapons? No there was not any nuclear weapons just threatening

What countries in the Cold War used nuclear weapons?

No country used nuclear weapons. Countries such as the U.S., U.S.S.R., U.K, China, France, & India did test weapons, but none were ever used in a conflict. no one fought at all during the cold war it was just threating the whole time

What is denuclearization?

Denuclearization is a process used in places that have nuclear weapons. It involves prohibiting distribution, use, or just removing nuclear weapons from places like regions and countries.

Was there nuclear weapons used after World War 2?

No nuclear weapons have been used since World War 2. There were testings done by Russia and possibly other countries but they were never used against other nations.