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Q: What country did most spanish speakers in Miami Florida come from?
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Was pitbull born in a spanish country?

No he was born in Miami Florida on the date of January 15, 1981 {age 30}

What are some major spanish speaking areas of the US?

Some major Spanish-speaking areas of the US include Miami, Florida; Los Angeles, California; and San Antonio, Texas. These areas have large populations of Spanish speakers, and Spanish is widely spoken in daily life, business, and public services.

What is the dominant dialect of Florida?

Dialect varies by region. More southern in the northern part of the state, very diluted southern in central Florida, and heavily influenced by Spanish in Miami.

Why was spanish language necessary?

The Spanish language was necessary because it facilitated communication between the Spanish colonizers and the indigenous peoples during the colonization of the Americas. It also allowed for the spread of Spanish culture, religion, and governance throughout the region. Additionally, the Spanish language continues to be important due to the large number of Spanish speakers worldwide and its significance in international business and diplomacy.

What are some Spanish speaking areas in the us?

Some Spanish-speaking areas in the US include Puerto Rico, which is an unincorporated territory of the US, and states like New Mexico, California, Texas, Arizona, and Florida, where there are large populations of Spanish speakers due to historical and geographic factors. Additionally, cities like Los Angeles, Miami, San Antonio, and San Diego have significant Spanish-speaking communities.