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There are several popular home-made remedies which provide welcome alternatives to the expensive liver-damaging prescription drugs. All work by keeping the fungus from infecting new nail growth while the infected part of the nail grows away (a period of six months to a year). All require application at least twice a day every day during that time. A skipped application may allow the fungus to establish itself in any cells that grow during the time of that missed application, so diligence is crucial. Application generally involves putting a few drops of the remedy on the cuticle, rubbing the remedy on the cuticle, or soaking the entire toe in the remedy. Because toenail fungus and body chemistry vary, some experimentation may be needed until you find the right remedy (or combination of remedies).


The acidity creates an unpleasant environment for the fungus, yet vinegar is non-toxic enough to be used for cooking.


Some hypothesize it is the turpentine in Vicks which harms the fungus. (Turpentine is toxic to humans, but has been used medicinally since ancient times nevertheless.) Rub VICKS vapor rub on it twice a day.


Not sure why this helps. Perhaps something about the alcohol?


Make a paste with water, cayenne pepper, and salt, and work it under the nail. Cayenne is acidic, so this works for the same reason that vinegar does.


Tea tree oil is known to have fungicidal properties; not sure why it works, though.


Usually used in combination with some of the other options, I think to kill any bacterial infection which may have taken hold along with the fungus.


The fungus doesn't like Iodine, but neither does your body; Iodine is a cumulative poison. Nevertheless, it has been used as an antiseptic and even as an emergency means of sterilizing drinking water.


Caution: the harm could easily outweigh the benefit! Bleach can be quite harmful to skin. Also, DO NOT MIX it with vinegar or other acids, as doing so creates chlorine gas (a WWI chemical warfare agent).


For those with stronger skins, place a single drop of undiluted bleach under the nail twice a day. Be very patient - it will take a long time to heal.

Assist the remedies' effectiveness (and keep the fungus away after it's gone) by doing the following:

- Keep your feet as dry as possible (air them whenever you have a chance)

- Don't use nail polish (it traps moisture inside the nail)

- Keep your feet clean

- Expose your feet to sun every one in a while (fungus doesn't like UV)

- Eat healthy! Make sure you're getting lots of B-vitamins and vitamin C in your diet (to keep your immune system healthy)

- Keep your athlete's foot under control; it can turn into toenail fungus.

- Clean towels frequently (preferably after each use) or use paper towels to dry fungus-infected areas.

- Exercise regularly (good circulation in your toes helps your body fight the fungus).

Blood Sugar: Having Diabetes or high blood sugar is a good way for fungus to get its favorite food, sugar, and to grow and flourish in the environment you provide. Have your HbA1c tested. You can get a home test (poke your finger and drop some blood on a piece of paper, then mail it in.) at Walmart for $10. Anything above 6.5% is considered diabetic. 5.5% to 5.6% is good.

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9y ago
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12y ago

Use Vicks vapour rub!! Wash and dry affected foot then apply the vapour rib to the infected area the wear white cotton sock change your socks twice a day. Do this twice a day for about four days and the iching should go. continue for a week after the sore has gone to ensure you won't get it back. If this fails I recommend you visit you doctor.

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11y ago

Athletes foot, ringworm of the foot or Tinea pedis is caused by a fungus infection of the skin.

It is highly infections (transmissible) and is usually caught from the floors of communal changing or showering areas round sports facilities (hence "athleats").

Athlete's foot can often be treated using self-care techniques and anti-fungal medication that may be obtained without prescription from a pharmacists shop.

However, if the infection of severe (and it may spread to the groin and hands) and does not respond to the chemists treatment as outlined on the instructions, you should go and see your doctor for a stronger remedy.

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11y ago

There are a few different cures for nail fungus. One is to soak the infected toe in warm water for about 20 minutes a day. It is also good to let the toe air out, without socks or shoes on. Vick's Vapor Rub can be used to treat it as well.

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13y ago

They have cream at drug stores, which can help a lot. Wash feet every day thoroughly.

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12y ago

You could use limeaseal for athletes foot I used to have it but limeaseal worked

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11y ago

50% White vinegar

50% rubbing alcohol.

put it in something and

soake your foot for a few mints and dry off.

it helps with the itching and helps clear it up.

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13y ago

yes you can

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Q: What causes athletes foot and how do you get rid of it?
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Which type of microorganism causes athletes foot?

A fungus (ringworm).

What are the side effects of athletes foot disease?

Affects of athletes foot can be itchyness, which causes you to scratch it. you can take a certain cream to heal it and allow your feet to breathe.

Bob Loblaw's Law Blo?

Bob Loblaw's Law Blog says to get rid of athletes foot, you must pee on your foot.

What causes athletes foot and ringworm?

fungus,live on moist areas such as shower floors towels

Can athletes foot cause death?

No....its just athletes foot

The symptoms of Athletes foot?

There are several symptoms of Athletes Foot. A few of the symptoms are blisters on feet, itching, burning, and stinging. There are several brands of medicine that can be purchased over the counter for Athletes Foot.

How does athletes foot eat?

it feeds on foot food

Where is athletes foot most likely to be found?

on your foot.

Do your feet swell with athletes foot?

No. Athlete's foot is a fungal condition that causes, in extreme cases, oozing out of fluids. But swelling of the feet would have another cause. Best check with your doctor.

What does athletes foot feel like?

Athletes foot itches and burns, and over time it will get more painful. If you have athletes foot, treat it immediately or it could get very bad. Athletes foot is a fungal infection and eats way at your foot.

Where is fungii usually found?

Fungi is usually found in warm moist places such as underneath logs and in smelly shoes, this causes athletes foot.